Spiritual Growth Journey
Growth Journey is a plan to assist with your spiritual growth. The items presented here may be completed in any order as you mature in your Christian faith. Small groups are scheduled regularly so group study topics can be completed within a four year period. Download a copy of this Growth Journey chart for reference in tracking your progress.

Be baptized – Once a person believes in Jesus Christ, the next step is Christian baptism. Baptism is the visual climax of the plan of salvation. Like a wedding ceremony cements and celebrates a couple’s love, baptism cements and celebrates an individual’s decision to follow Jesus Christ. For a fuller understanding on the meaning of baptism study the following Scriptures: Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 2:37-38, Mark 16:16, Acts 22:16, 1 Peter 3:21, Romans 6:3-4, Titus 3:5, Ephesians 5:25-27.
Complete a spiritual gifts assessment – God wants us to join Him in His work. He is so gracious that by His Holy Spirit He freely distributes spiritual gifts to all who are His followers. He not only wants us to know our spiritual gifts are but also to use them. You can take a spiritual gifts assessment here.
Complete an Individual Spiritual Plan – Each person has a different background and life experience so at Journey Church we offer individualized spiritual direction. To begin the process, fill out the online worksheet. Once submitted, Derek Dickinson will contact you for an appointment to get to know you and your unique spiritual journey. He will then pray, study the worksheet and notes from the meeting, and develop a one-year spiritual plan just for you.
Read and/or listen to the entire New Testament – Read the New Testament in a translation of the Bible that you can understand. A sample reading plan is available here.
Try prayer journaling for 30 days – Writing down your prayers in a notebook creates the opportunity to look back later and see how God has answered those prayers.
Practice tithing – God commands that we give a tithe (10%) back to Him. All we have is from Him, so we are just giving it back to Him. You will see that as you give to God, He will provide for what you need. Malachi 3:10, Matthew 23:.23
Practice sacrificial giving – Offerings are gifts given in addition to the tithe. Maybe you are already giving 10% now; stretch yourself and give Him more than that.
Go on a short term mission trip – Journey attempts to serve in Alaskan locations as well as international sites. Plan to go on one of these service trips and help change other people’s lives as well as your own.
Serve regularly somewhere in the church that lines up with your gifts and talents – Once you have taken the spiritual gifts assessment and have received some additional information about how those gifts can serve in the local church, find a ministry or activity to be part of.
Meet weekly or monthly with an accountability partner – Find somebody that you can trust with your deepest fears and thoughts and meet with them on a regular basis to make sure you are both staying on task for reaching your goals.
Here are some Suggested Books for Reading:
Read Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson OR Extreme Prayer by Greg Pruett – Draw the Circle encourages us to pray often and boldly. There is a way to experience a deeper, more passionate, persistent, and intimate prayer life.
Extreme Prayer – Discover the kinds of prayers that God has promised to answer, challenging yourself to access their power and see God’s immeasurable glory unleashed in your prayer life.
Read The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn OR The Generosity Ladder by Nelson Sercy –The Treasure Principle introduces readers to a revolution in material freedom and radical generosity. Discover how joyful giving brings God maximum glory and His children maximum pleasure.
The Generosity Ladder – This insightful guidebook clarifies what the Bible says about honoring God with our finances and offers a step-by-step plan to save, spend, and invest in a responsible, godly way.
Read Faith Fundamentals by Jack Cottrell OR study Fundamental Faith with a small group –
Faith Fundamentals – What is Truth? Is God Real? Who Is Jesus? What about the second coming? How are we saved? Cottrell believes our answers to questions like these decide whether we’ll win against Satan’s battle for our mind and soul.
Fundamental Faith Small Group – Do you know what you believe? Can you share what you believe with others? A small group that discusses these types of questions will be scheduled periodically. The class name may vary, depending on what materials are used.
Read Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman OR Crazy Love by Francis Chan – These books are about radically committing your life to Christ.
Not a Fan – Jesus is looking for completely committed followers not just fans. How would things change if you lived as Jesus lived, and loved the way He loved?
Crazy Love -The God of the universe is crazy about you! His love is the most powerful thing in the world and He wants to give it to you, so you can live for Him and share His love with others.
With a small group or at a seminar, watch Resolving Everyday Conflict by Peacemaker Ministries – This study unpacks the amazing things the Bible has to say about conflict and relationships. You’ll find the powerful and practical answers you are looking for to forever change how conflict looks in your life.
With a small group, watch The Truth Project by Dr. Del Tackett and Focus on the Family – This is an excellent starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Each lesson discusses in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life, answering questions and confronting our culture with Truth.
With a small group or at a seminar, watch Just Walk Across the Room by Bill Hybels – Designed to equip and inspire you to leave your circle of comfort and extend care, compassion, and inclusiveness to people who might need a touch of God’s love.
With a small group or at a seminar, watch A.H.A. by Kyle Idleman – Are there places in your life where you would like to experience a moment of truth that renews your heart and mind bringing transformation? Like the prodigal son, discover the life changing power of awakening, honesty and action.
With a small group or at a seminar, watch Why I Believe by Chip Ingram – What happens when we die? Can miracles be explained? Is there really a God? There are solid, logical answers to satisfy the heart and mind of those who are seeking.
With a small group or at a seminar, watch The Invisible War by Chip Ingram – Beneath our tangible landscape lurks an invisible spiritual realm where unseen battles rage. It’s real. And it’s dangerous. God details in His Word the battle plan to uncover Satan’s cunning deceptions and to resist his sinister schemes. Learn to do spiritual battle with the enemy of your soul… and win!
With a small group or at a seminar, study the book of Romans – Paul wrote the letter to the believers in Rome (hence the name “Romans”) to give them a concrete theological foundation on which to construct their faith and to live for and serve God effectively. Investigate topics such as salvation, the sovereignty of God, judgment, spiritual growth, and the righteousness of God.
With a small group or at a seminar, study the Gospel of Matthew OR the Gospel of John. These gospels (meaning ‘good news’) contain narrative history, parables, sermons, and more presented by those who followed Jesus during his ministry.
Matthew, the first synoptic (common view) gospel, was written to reveal the Lord Jesus as the Messiah, the King of the Jews, from the line of David; to prove to the Jews that Jesus Christ was indeed their long-awaited Messiah.
The Gospel of John was written so that all may believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God who gives eternal life. John’s themes include life, truth, light and belief, presenting the proofs for Jesus as the Son of God.
With a small group or at a seminar, study the book of Ephesians OR Philippians – These books are letters written by the missionary Paul while he was in prison. Ephesians was written to encourage believers to walk as fruitful followers of Christ and to serve in unity and love in the midst of persecution.
The book of Philippians was a thank-you letter written to show Paul’s appreciation and love for the young church at Philippi, for their continued help and support, and to encourage their growth in faith.
Attend a small group focused on prayer – In addition to prayer at the church each morning at 7:00 am, there are various small groups throughout the year that focus on prayer through Bible and book study, and application.
Attend the LOVE Seminar (Loving God and Loving Others)
Complete a spiritual gifts assessment – God wants us to join Him in His work. He is so gracious that by His Holy Spirit He freely distributes spiritual gifts to all who are His followers. He not only wants us to know our spiritual gifts are but also to use them. You can take a spiritual gifts assessment here.
Complete an Individual Spiritual Plan – Each person has a different background and life experience so at Journey Church we offer individualized spiritual direction. To begin the process, fill out the online worksheet. Once submitted, Derek Dickinson will contact you for an appointment to get to know you and your unique spiritual journey. He will then pray, study the worksheet and notes from the meeting, and develop a one-year spiritual plan just for you.
Read and/or listen to the entire New Testament – Read the New Testament in a translation of the Bible that you can understand. A sample reading plan is available here.
Try prayer journaling for 30 days – Writing down your prayers in a notebook creates the opportunity to look back later and see how God has answered those prayers.
Practice tithing – God commands that we give a tithe (10%) back to Him. All we have is from Him, so we are just giving it back to Him. You will see that as you give to God, He will provide for what you need. Malachi 3:10, Matthew 23:.23
Practice sacrificial giving – Offerings are gifts given in addition to the tithe. Maybe you are already giving 10% now; stretch yourself and give Him more than that.
Go on a short term mission trip – Journey attempts to serve in Alaskan locations as well as international sites. Plan to go on one of these service trips and help change other people’s lives as well as your own.
Serve regularly somewhere in the church that lines up with your gifts and talents – Once you have taken the spiritual gifts assessment and have received some additional information about how those gifts can serve in the local church, find a ministry or activity to be part of.
Meet weekly or monthly with an accountability partner – Find somebody that you can trust with your deepest fears and thoughts and meet with them on a regular basis to make sure you are both staying on task for reaching your goals.
Here are some Suggested Books for Reading:
Read Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson OR Extreme Prayer by Greg Pruett – Draw the Circle encourages us to pray often and boldly. There is a way to experience a deeper, more passionate, persistent, and intimate prayer life.
Extreme Prayer – Discover the kinds of prayers that God has promised to answer, challenging yourself to access their power and see God’s immeasurable glory unleashed in your prayer life.
Read The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn OR The Generosity Ladder by Nelson Sercy –The Treasure Principle introduces readers to a revolution in material freedom and radical generosity. Discover how joyful giving brings God maximum glory and His children maximum pleasure.
The Generosity Ladder – This insightful guidebook clarifies what the Bible says about honoring God with our finances and offers a step-by-step plan to save, spend, and invest in a responsible, godly way.
Read Faith Fundamentals by Jack Cottrell OR study Fundamental Faith with a small group –
Faith Fundamentals – What is Truth? Is God Real? Who Is Jesus? What about the second coming? How are we saved? Cottrell believes our answers to questions like these decide whether we’ll win against Satan’s battle for our mind and soul.
Fundamental Faith Small Group – Do you know what you believe? Can you share what you believe with others? A small group that discusses these types of questions will be scheduled periodically. The class name may vary, depending on what materials are used.
Read Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman OR Crazy Love by Francis Chan – These books are about radically committing your life to Christ.
Not a Fan – Jesus is looking for completely committed followers not just fans. How would things change if you lived as Jesus lived, and loved the way He loved?
Crazy Love -The God of the universe is crazy about you! His love is the most powerful thing in the world and He wants to give it to you, so you can live for Him and share His love with others.
With a small group or at a seminar, watch Resolving Everyday Conflict by Peacemaker Ministries – This study unpacks the amazing things the Bible has to say about conflict and relationships. You’ll find the powerful and practical answers you are looking for to forever change how conflict looks in your life.
With a small group, watch The Truth Project by Dr. Del Tackett and Focus on the Family – This is an excellent starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Each lesson discusses in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life, answering questions and confronting our culture with Truth.
With a small group or at a seminar, watch Just Walk Across the Room by Bill Hybels – Designed to equip and inspire you to leave your circle of comfort and extend care, compassion, and inclusiveness to people who might need a touch of God’s love.
With a small group or at a seminar, watch A.H.A. by Kyle Idleman – Are there places in your life where you would like to experience a moment of truth that renews your heart and mind bringing transformation? Like the prodigal son, discover the life changing power of awakening, honesty and action.
With a small group or at a seminar, watch Why I Believe by Chip Ingram – What happens when we die? Can miracles be explained? Is there really a God? There are solid, logical answers to satisfy the heart and mind of those who are seeking.
With a small group or at a seminar, watch The Invisible War by Chip Ingram – Beneath our tangible landscape lurks an invisible spiritual realm where unseen battles rage. It’s real. And it’s dangerous. God details in His Word the battle plan to uncover Satan’s cunning deceptions and to resist his sinister schemes. Learn to do spiritual battle with the enemy of your soul… and win!
With a small group or at a seminar, study the book of Romans – Paul wrote the letter to the believers in Rome (hence the name “Romans”) to give them a concrete theological foundation on which to construct their faith and to live for and serve God effectively. Investigate topics such as salvation, the sovereignty of God, judgment, spiritual growth, and the righteousness of God.
With a small group or at a seminar, study the Gospel of Matthew OR the Gospel of John. These gospels (meaning ‘good news’) contain narrative history, parables, sermons, and more presented by those who followed Jesus during his ministry.
Matthew, the first synoptic (common view) gospel, was written to reveal the Lord Jesus as the Messiah, the King of the Jews, from the line of David; to prove to the Jews that Jesus Christ was indeed their long-awaited Messiah.
The Gospel of John was written so that all may believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God who gives eternal life. John’s themes include life, truth, light and belief, presenting the proofs for Jesus as the Son of God.
With a small group or at a seminar, study the book of Ephesians OR Philippians – These books are letters written by the missionary Paul while he was in prison. Ephesians was written to encourage believers to walk as fruitful followers of Christ and to serve in unity and love in the midst of persecution.
The book of Philippians was a thank-you letter written to show Paul’s appreciation and love for the young church at Philippi, for their continued help and support, and to encourage their growth in faith.
Attend a small group focused on prayer – In addition to prayer at the church each morning at 7:00 am, there are various small groups throughout the year that focus on prayer through Bible and book study, and application.
Attend the LOVE Seminar (Loving God and Loving Others)