What We Believe

We believe in one God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as revealed in the Bible.
We believe God created the universe out of nothing.  He is the Creator which gives Him the right to establish the rules of life.  He is the ultimate authority over all things.
We believe Jesus was born of a virgin, was fully human, and fully divine.  He lived a completely sinless life, died for our sin, and was raised from the dead. He accomplished everything written about Him in the scriptures and then ascended to heaven where He waits until the appointed time when he will return.
We believe Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.
We believe the Holy Spirit is active within the individual Christian and the church.  It is through the Holy Spirit that we are equipped and empowered to live holy lives and fulfill the Great Commission.
We believe the Bible is God-breathed and true in all that it teaches.  It is the final authority and standard for all matters of faith and practice.
We believe Jesus Christ established the Church to share the message of His grace and offer the hope of heaven to all who will listen.
We believe God’s offer of salvation is a gift of grace.  Man cannot earn God's salvation; he can only accept it.
We believe God’s call of salvation is answered through faith, repentance, confession and baptism.
We believe once an individual is saved, he is called to live a life of love, holiness and service.
We have committed ourselves to following Jesus Christ and look forward to His return.